
We invite researchers, especially men, to commit to the BiasWatchNeuro pledge. Committing to the pledge is not a public act, but you should feel free to cite this pledge when rejecting invitations to speak, attend, or promote conferences that have a biased speaker list, or when prompting organizers to change their invitation list so as to fix an unintentionally biased lineup.

I recognize that conferences that invite speakers that represent the full diversity of scientists in the field are a better vehicle for dissemination of scientific results, for learning about important recent findings, and for education of the future generation.

As such, I pledge to select carefully the conferences that I speak at, attend, and send trainees to. In particular, I commit to avoid, when possible, conferences that do not adequately represent female scientists* among their invited speakers, or to raise this issue with the organizers and prompt them to fix it.

* While there are other categories of underrepresentation or disadvantage within neuroscience, our current focus is on gender representation as our site provides data on gender base rates. We encourage all actions aimed at ensuring adequate representation of scientists of color and other minoritized groups.