#BWNFridayPost: “We controlled for race and ethnicity…” Considerations for the use and communication of race and ethnicity in neuroimaging research

Access and read the preprint here

“We controlled for race and ethnicity…” Considerations for the use and communication of race and ethnicity in neuroimaging research” by Carlos Cardenas-Iniguez and Marybel Robledo Gonzalez discusses how large neuroimaging studies have the potential to further structural inequities through their dissemination, and how consequently researchers must be more careful about how they communicate about these topics in their research. Through this paper, the authors provide several recommendations “for researchers to reflect on race and ethnicity choices in study design, model specification, statistical analysis, and communication of results, implement practices to avoid the further stigmatization of historically minoritized groups, and engage in research practices that counteract existing harmful biases.” Read more here!

#BWNFridayPost: Reducing bias in an AI-enabled STEM learning environment

Check out the article here and the Inclusive Intelligent Technologies for Education Institute here

This article discusses a new NSF grant and research for the Inclusive Intelligent Technologies for Education Institute. Part of this research takes place at the University of Oregon, led by Daniel Lowd, which aims at purposefully gathering data to develop fair and unbiased learning models for STEM students. This concept will pave the way towards using AI for education without the common biases, and is an excited step forward in reducing bias in STEM!

Juneteenth in STEMM and the barriers to equitable science

Check out the paper here, and a thread by one of the authors here

This paper by 52 Black Scientists (listed above), discusses Juneteenth’s history, the history of racism in science, and how institutions (and individuals) can take actionable steps to reduce this racism and the burden it places on Black scientists.

From Figure 1 in the paper, here is an infographic with an overview of potential changes that can help as well as current barriers:

As described further in this paper, some specific themes for changes that institutions and the wider community are recommended to make in order to work towards solving this problem are: creating and foster a culture of inclusivity and support, developing mechanisms to protect trainees in the pipeline by combating suicidal threats and overcoming mental health struggles and challenges, considering work-life integration, reducing “White superiority”, and more.

Read “Juneteenth in STEMM and the barriers to equitable science” for more details and information!

#BWNFridayPost: Citation Transparency Chrome Extension

This chrome extension shows probabilistic gender information when you search for papers on Google Scholar. As described by the creator, many fields do not cite men and women at rates that parallel the gender balance in the field, often due to implicit bias. By explicitly seeing the likely genders of the authors you’re reading, it can help remind people to keep these implicit biases in mind and counteract them when necessary. This extension was nominated to our DEI Repo by a faculty member, who stated that, “This resource raises awareness of gender bias as I am using PubMed and GoogleScholar to research the literature in my field relevant to the paper I am currently writing. It helps me to flag the tendency to pass over a marginalized scholar in favor of a majority scholar.” Further, the nominator stated that: “The resource made me question the algorithms that order search outcomes on PubMed and GoogleScholar, and whether those algorithms have their own biases. For example, if such algorithms use citation count in their calculations, they would automatically be biased against marginalized groups. What that means for me is that when I search on PubMed and GoogleScholar, I should not assume that the hits at the top are an equitable assessment of the work relevant to my search.”

Check out the extension here, our DEI repo here, and nominate other resources to our repository here!

#BWNFridayPost: Community-engaged approach can help address bias and lack of diversity/inclusion in neuroscience research

link to full article and the paper it is discussing (authors: Shayna La Scala, Jordan L. Mullins, Rengin B. Firat, Kalina J. Michalska)

This article by Iqbal Pittalwala interviews Dr. Kalina Michalska (one of the authors of “Equity, diversity, and inclusion in developmental neuroscience: Practical lessons from community-based participatory research“), and discusses the benefits and importance of Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) for fighting bias in research. CBPR works to “actively involve the population of interest in the research process and require[s] collaboration and trust between community partners and researchers” for fighting bias in research.

Here are some insightful quotes from the interview article:

  • “CBPR asks: how will the lives of people in communities be impacted by a specific piece of research and do those people have a voice in whether and how the research will be conducted?”
  • “…as magnetic resonance imaging and other neuroscientific techniques get more incorporated into the mental health research agenda, it is incumbent on neuroscientists to pay close attention to diversity and representation in their work. Regrettably, in neuroscience, many discussions around these issues today do not involve the community under study.”
  • “We need to open communication channels and check in with our research participants to help minimize such biases,” she said. “Already, neuroscience research has a severe underrepresentation of marginalized groups as study participants; Black, Latina, and other women of color are conspicuously absent. Such exclusion directly harms communities and prevention and intervention approaches, such as medical protocols, mental health recommendations, and governmental policy creation, can get biased. CBPR can be a remedy and facilitate impactful change in neuroscience.”
  • “Including communities in the research design and interpretation can be a powerful learning opportunity for community members to experience first-hand how research is done,” she said. “This could especially empower young people.”

For more details about how this can be incorporated into a neuroscience research project, read the full paper it’s based on here!

#BWNFridayPost: “It Matters Who Does Science” by H. Holden Thorp

link to full article

This article is insightful, and discusses why and how it matters who is doing the science. Some quotes from it include:

“The soundbite “trust the science” has been circulating recently. This framing is unfortunate. Because “the science” in this context is usually a snapshot of ideas or facts in a particular moment—and often from the perspective of a small number of people (or even one person). It would have been better to use a phrase like “trust the scientific process,” which would imply that science is what we know now, the product of the work of many people over time, and principles that have reached consensus in the scientific community through established processes of peer review and transparent disclosure.”

“A monolithic group of scientists will bring many of the same preconceived notions to their work. But a group of many backgrounds will bring different points of view that decrease the chance that one prevailing set of views will bias the outcome. This means that scientific consensus can be reached faster and with greater reliability. It also means that the applications and implications will be more just for all.”

“Scientists should embrace their humanity rather than pretending that they are a bunch of automatons who instantly reach perfectly objective conclusions.”

Read more here!

#BWNFridayPost: “Scientists with intersecting privilege must work towards institutional inclusion” by Felicity M. Davis, Salah Elias & Vaishnavi Ananthanarayanan

link to full article

This article dives into the meaning of DEI in academia, and contains a list of steps discussing specific actions people–particularly those with intersecting privilege and power–should take in order to improve it. This specific list of steps can be undertaken by university leaders, and includes: Initial upskilling and continued personal development, Inclusive actions and timescales, and Resource commitment. Read the full paper here!

cleanBib: Probabilistically assign gender and race proportions of first/last authors pairs in bibliography entries

This code base and diversity statement template by Dale Zhou et al was nominated to our DEI Repository by a Faculty member, who said “This resource has impacted how my lab evaluates and revises our reference lists in all of our scientific papers (prior to submission) to ensure that we are fairly canvassing marginalized scholars in our field.”

To use it, the nominator said: “We apply this code to the reference list of our paper. It provides us with information about how we are citing. Are we overciting scholars from majority groups (e.g., men, white people) and underciting scholars from minority groups (e.g., women, people of color)? If so, by how much? We use those percentages to drive us back to the literature to learn more about the scholars in our field and their work, and cite them accordingly.

This github repository provides code to check the predicted racial and gender makeup of your citations, so that you can see how the citations you selected compare to the base rates of published papers in your field. It also provides a diversity statement template which presents the information in a clear way. This is a great resource to use to ensure you are citing and conducting literature review in a less biased way!

Check out more resources from our DEI Repository and submit your own recommendations here!

#BWNFridayPost: Inclusive Leadership: From Awareness to Action

This book by Cheryl Williams and Ernest Gundling was nominated to our DEI Repository by a Graduate student, who said that through this book “I learned about how current standards of professionalism are exclusionary, and therefore what should be de-emphasized, as well as how to replace these standards by embracing and harnessing diversity.”

It provides actionable steps for leaders (or anyone working in group settings) to ensure that they are practicing inclusionary actions and not succumbing to unconcious biases! Additionally, according to the nominator, it is super easy to use: “It covers a lot of areas of inclusive leadership, I think someone could pick and choose chapters based on what skills they want to acquire as an inclusive leader.”

Check out more resources from our DEI Repository and submit your own recommendations here!