cleanBib: Probabilistically assign gender and race proportions of first/last authors pairs in bibliography entries

This code base and diversity statement template by Dale Zhou et al was nominated to our DEI Repository by a Faculty member, who said “This resource has impacted how my lab evaluates and revises our reference lists in all of our scientific papers (prior to submission) to ensure that we are fairly canvassing marginalized scholars in our field.”

To use it, the nominator said: “We apply this code to the reference list of our paper. It provides us with information about how we are citing. Are we overciting scholars from majority groups (e.g., men, white people) and underciting scholars from minority groups (e.g., women, people of color)? If so, by how much? We use those percentages to drive us back to the literature to learn more about the scholars in our field and their work, and cite them accordingly.

This github repository provides code to check the predicted racial and gender makeup of your citations, so that you can see how the citations you selected compare to the base rates of published papers in your field. It also provides a diversity statement template which presents the information in a clear way. This is a great resource to use to ensure you are citing and conducting literature review in a less biased way!

Check out more resources from our DEI Repository and submit your own recommendations here!